Michael Worthington
Lyric Poster: Caterpillar Girl
Inkjet on paper
Courtesy of the artist

Lyric Poster: Kooks
Inkjet on paper
Courtesy of the artist

Lyric Poster: Put The Book Back On The Shelf
Inkjet on paper
Courtesy of the artist

A different house, seven years ago now. My daughter cries, I hold her close to my shoulder. It's nighttime, I’m lightheaded from tiredness. I dance her in my arms around the large glass table in the center of the room. Round and round and round, simultaneously rocking side to side, bouncing, and moving forward... round and round. I can’t sing, but I sing for her. Mumbling, repetitive, humming rhymes, round and round... hoping to instill my music in her head early on, hoping she will love the things I love. Each loop of the song quieter than the last. Lyrics dissolve into repetitive do-be-do’s, that slip into humming, then humming slips into silence, and silence into sleep.